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Which Stage of Spiritual Awakening are you mostly experience?

Updated: Feb 1, 2019

Awakening to your full potential

Spiritual seekers who are on the path to re-enlightenment tend to fall into one of the following seven categories. A person can go through these levels in almost any order. That’s because we all awaken in our own way, at our own pace. For instance, some people need multiple catalysts in order to fully own their spiritual power so they may continue to cycle back to the first level. Others may skip several stages and end up living the life their soul intended without having gone through the same trials. At whichever stage you find yourself, trust that you are exactly where you need to be at this time. Also know that if you repeat a certain stage, you are helping to solidify the lesson.

1. The Catalyst

A life-change, paradigm-shifting event jolts you awake. Alternatively, a series of gentler, minor awakenings occur until you are fully awake and aware.

Example Events:

Near-death experience

Life-threatening illness

Depression, break-down

Spirit visitation

Meeting one’s soulmate

Typical Emotions:

Disbelief, shock and awe: Having a hard time believing it happened

Fear: Not understanding what’s happening

2. A Shift in Perception

You begin to see things differently and that alters how you perceive your life.

Example Events:

Job dissatisfaction

Relationship issues / Longing for Soulmate

Desire to move / Needing a change of scenery

Loss of interest in hobbies

Questioning the status quo

Typical Emotions:

Discomfort: Your life no longer feels like it ‘fits’ you.

Confusion: You’re unclear about what is happening, and you don’t know how to deal with it.

3. Journey of Discovery

Your field of awareness expands, and new information streams in.

Example Events:


Premonitions and hunches come true

Prophetic dreams and visions

Seeing and hearing things that others don’t

Typical Emotions:

Thrills and Chills: Feeling titillated, but also a bit frightened, each time you connection with the spirit realm

Isolation: Not feeling comfortable sharing your experiences with friends and family, and not knowing where to turn for help or guidance

4. Seeking to Understand

You begin to see magic in the mundane.

Example Events:

Thirst for spiritual knowledge

Voracious reading

Seeking like-minded individuals with whom to share your experiences

Going to psychics/intuitives for readings

Attending classes and workshops

Traveling to sacred places

Seeking your true purpose

Typical Emotions:

Excitement, joy, exhilaration: Craving more experiences, and wanting to share your experiences

Impatience:  Feeling like you can’t learn fast enough

5. Developing Your Spiritual Gifts

You begin to consciously seek a deeper connection with Source.

Example Events:


Doing Qigong, yoga, or other of mindful activities

Creating: painting, writing, singing, etc.

Studying healing modalities

Honing your intuition (i.e. conducting your own angel card readings)

Strengthening your relationship with your spiritual guides

Wanting to heal the world

Typical Emotions:

Joy: Feeling the reconnection with your higher self and Source

Eagerness: Wanting to share your gifts with others

6. Owning Your Spiritual Gifts

You start to trust your connection with Source.

Example Events:

Answering your own questions and healing yourself

Teaching, mentoring, guiding and healing others

Pruning and purging outmoded beliefs

Eliminating stress (i.e. change of job or relationship)

Living with integrity and speaking your truth

Being your own role model and forging your own, unique path

Typical Emotions:

Happiness: Being able to help yourself and others

Confidence: Knowing you are on the right path

7. Reintegrating with Your Soul

You begin to manifest a life that is in true alignment with your highest self.

Example Events:

Loss of previous fears, interests and desires

Letting go of the need to control, worry, and plan; living more fully in the Now

Creating, playing and laughing with childlike abandon

Thinking about life outside of 3-D Earth

Typical Emotions:

Peacefulness: Finding inner stillness

Detachment: You are no longer as wrapped up in the drama of ego

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