All Prophetic dreams are precognitive but not all precognitive are Prophetic.
Have you ever wonder what is precognition and prophetic dreams? If yes, this might help you understand the difference of precognition and prophetic dreams.
What is precognition?
Precognition is a psychic gift that allows those who possess it to gather information about events that have yet to happen either visually or through a feeling or both.
Signs that you experience precognition
Through our dreams
Our dreams tells significant meaning to our life and future. Let just say, you already good at interpreting your dreams then your on a way in developing unique gifts. Keep a journal with you in tracking your dreams and conduct a research for more information on it. You may find that different aspect of our dreams have significant meaning in your life, or the lives of those surround you. You will be surprised at how much valuable information you get out of this basic exercise
Feel sudden increase in anxiety
Experience visions prior to a major event taking place or just seem to know friend or loved one is in trouble then you may be tapping into your precognition abilities. Having a feeling of dread come over you, feel that something isn't quite right, or sense that someone may be at serious risk.
You sudden become more intuitive
Everyone of us born with a natural intuitive psychic ability but their other who has a natural higher levels than others. Example:knowing a phone is about to ring and who's on the line before you answer it.
You have deja vu
Deja vu is more on like an awake dream that's telling us to pay attention.
People surround you feel better when they see you
This is due tot he fact that you can recognize and identify with their frequency and vibrations, then act accordingly.
Your perception is fine tuned
You'll recognize that the world is really energy that takes on various form, and you are able to perceive it and perceive any changes in it, even from far away distance.
You sense vibrational frequency and energy
The objects and people surround you are energy in a room or building where a major event took place or will take place.
You become more empathy
The emotional energy of a person can seriously influenced the energy of his/her surrounding and possessions.
You experience heightened sensitivity
Heightened sensitivity might feel like a state of fragility to you.
You know things with no prior explanation
Have you ever had a moment where you just simply had a gut feeling about something? There was no logical explanation at all, but that something or event eventually took place.
What is Prophetic dreams?
Prophetic dreams are usually warnings of death, some personal accidents or a widespread of disaster that being revealed in dreams only. These dreams can happen to any people and we can all have them no matter what we believe in. According to study, prophetic dreamer experienced an astral projection during their sleep that leads them to travel into highest realm and able to see phenomenon that will occur in the near future. There is no sign that a person will have a prophetic dream and it's unpredictable.
Precognition and Prophetic dreams are most controversy events happened in our lives and we may not aware of it or aware of it. Dreaming and having a vision is an indicator how powerful we are and if we unlock our fully potential we can able to see from beyond.